The Pointe Coupee Historical Society is hosting a ceremony to honor those who have made donations towards Poydras Park on September 16, 2017 at 11:00 in the morning at the Julian Poydras Museum. PCHS began began offering the opportunity for families and individuals to donate money and dedicate a tree in honor of or in memory of a loved one in February of 2017. Trees have been planted in stages, or upon purchasing, depending on the size and variety of the tree. Following the ceremony, the Historical Society will host it's Annual Board Meeting to update members on the past year's events and accomplishments, as well as inform them of upcoming activities. Prints from New Roads and Old Rivers book will be on display and information on purchasing these prints will also be available. Lanell Landry will also present the Poydras Succession that was preserved this past year, which was funded by the Jarreau's. The Succession Plan will be available for members to view. If you are interested in dedicating a tree for the new Poydras Center Landscape, please call Nancy Bergeron, event coordinator for the Historical Society, at (225) 638-6575. You may also visit our website for more details. Mrs. Bergeron maintains the tree plan and will provide information on levels of donation available. See the illustrations below for current availability.