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Commemoration of Pie Mary

The Pointe Coupee Historical Society commemorated a marker for Mary Renolds Thomas, better known as, "Pie Mary." Pie Mary was known across the community for her cafe and beauty salon, but especially for her delicious pies. She began her business in Morganza and lived most of her life in Pointe Coupee, according to research conducted by Mr. Stafford Chenevert. Those who remember her recall the recognizable clatter of 'Pie Mary's' cart as she pushed it down the sidewalks of their neighborhoods in New Roads, causing them to jump to their feet to meet her for a pie. The project was lead by Stafford Chenevert and supported by PCHS. The marble marker dedicated to the memory of "Pie Mary" was unveiled on October 30th and can be seen on the corner of Main Street and New Roads Street. We thank all of the volunteers and donors that contributed to this project.

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PO Box 462 New Roads, LA 70760

225-638-6575  or   cell: 713-376-0025

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